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About the project 

Our aim is to present the ‘library’ to our whole school communities as an unopened resource which is full of endless possibilities, involving books, games and computers and which will ‘open up’ their awareness of the world around them.  We want to ‘awaken’ the library through encouraging the children to access and appreciate the resources that we share through our world wide partnerships.  We aim to bring all children together to bring the literature, mostly the literature written for children, to life through an extensive range of collaborative activities. This will awaken the pupil’s interest in their mother tongue and other European languages, which will reinforce the European dimension of the curriculum. Our theme is full of multiple possibilities, which will involve the whole school community, widen pupil’s worldwide awareness and foster the use of Information and Communication Technology. Through a range of activities we will endeavour to improve the quality of the children’s interactions with the present resources within our individual schools and through the use of the collaborative resources, which our partnerships will produce.


About our partner school 

Tuckswood Primary School

England, UK

Our partner school is a medium sized primary school for boys and girls aged from four to eleven years located in Tuckswood, in the county of Norwich, England.


Where did we find them? 

We found them at where hundreds of schools are registered and are keen to find partners from all over the world.


What is our aim? 

Share experience, improve language skills, collaborate with a foreign school, improve our curriculum, learn about foreign cultures and people. We would like to win grants from the British Council to fund our trips to visit our partner school in England. All the activities except traveling will be funded by our school.