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Approximate date

Activity description


October 2007

Preparation activities

Emailing, pen-pal activities


Norbert Adam

November 2007

All countries to create a scrap book about their country/city/school

Scrap book – Slovakia / Great Britain

Scrap book – Our town

Scrap book – Our school

Norbert Adam

Tunde Adamova

December 2007

To share and collate scrap books

To create a Calendar of activities

To spread the calendars (at our school, in the local newspaper, other schools, etc.)

Christmas Card

Norbert Adam

Tunde Csobo

January 2008

Each school to complete individual scrap book about British and Slovak tales:

Tale book with the Slovak tales

Tale book with the British tales

Katarina Burszki

Tunde Csobo

February 2008

To share and collate the tales

Norbert Adam

March 2008

Interactive competition #1 between the schools 

Theme: Slovak and British Tales

Norbert Adam

Gizela Kubackova

Tunde Csobo

April 2008

Project Meeting in the United Kingdom

Norbert Adam

Gizela Kubackova

Tunde Csobo

May 2008

Arts & Craft – illustration of favorite children’s books, “My favourite literary hero or my favourite book”

Tunde Csobo

Katarina Burszki

June 2008

To share and collate illustration works

Joint Magazine #1


Norbert Adam

September 2008


Project Meeting in Slovakia

Visiting Bratislava, the High Tatras, Bojnice castle and ZOO, Betliar, participating the two-day fair in Rimavska Sobota

Norbert Adam

Gizela Kubackova

Kristina Sallaiova

October 2008

Children’s literature – joint activities

Who knows more about the children’s and juvenile literature?

Interactive competition # 2

Norbert Adam

Tunde Csobo

November 2008

Slovak and British festivals and customs

Scrap book


Tunde Csobo

Katarina Burszki

December 2008

Sharing of scrap books with the partner school

Joint Magazine #2

Project evaluation

Norbert Adam

Gizela Kubackova